School Fees 2025
Information about Queen of Peace Primary School’s Fees for 2025 are in the linked letter to parents.
Forms for direct debit (credit card or bank account) are available to download and return to school.
2025 Payment Schedule
If you have not signed a direct debit form nor a payment plan, the due dates for payment (by 3 instalments) are:
- 29 March 2025
- 27 June 2025
- 19 September 2025
If you are paying in one payment, this is due by:
- 4 July 2025
If you have a balance from previous year/s, we expect prompt payment of the outstanding account.
Forms for CSEF fund application forms are available to download and return to school. Note, you must have a current Health Care Card in the parent’s or guardian’s name. Health Care Cards in children’s names are not eligible for the CSEF fund and the School Savings Bonus.
Concessional Fee Policy
Families in MACS primary schools may be eligible for our concessional fee policy. Please see the attached details.
If you are eligible, please fill out the form, provide evidence and contact the School Fees officer.
The School Fees officer can be contacted on
Absence Notification
Parents must advise the schools of all student absences via the Student Absence form. You can also scan the QR code to access the form. For detailed information regarding the School’s Absence guidelines and expectations, please refer to the Parent Information Booklet below.
Lunch Orders
Lunches are provided by an outside supplier, KingWill Catering who are based at Sacred Heart Primary School, Newport. A variety of tasty, healthy and homemade options are available. In 2025 the lunches will be offered on a Wednesday only. You must order by 8am on the day (but preferably on Tuesday) using the MySchoolConnect app. Any queries, please contact Jo or Nicole via email or 0402 781 496. In the interests of promoting environmentally-sustainable practices, students must bring their own cutlery from home. Disposable cutlery is not supplied by the caterer or the school.
OSH Club
Children must be pre-registered online to attend, before any bookings can be made.
More information can be found by clicking: OSHclub
OSH at QoP Program Coordinator: 0421 287 254
Head Office: 8564 9000 or 1300 395 735
Parents & Friends
The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) provides a network for parents to participate in activities and decision making processes at Queen of Peace Parish Primary School. It works to benefit our children, the school and our community by
- supporting the school with social activities to help build community spirit
- helping the school financially by raising funds for specific/general purposes
- members helping to organise the school maintenance
- other roles and duties as the needs arise
Meetings are held once a term, on a Monday evening at 7pm. Dates are advertised in the school newsletter and the school’s google Community Calendar. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the hybrid meetings (you can attend on site or online via googlemeet).
If you are interested to find out more about the QoP P&F, you can download and read the Guidelines.
If you would like to contact the P&F Executive Committee, please send an email to:
Executive Committee 2024
Chris Inglis
Vice President
Anna Cini
Meagan Johnson
Karina Campbell
Fundraising Officers
Melissa Bartolo & Karlie Bell
Social & Pastoral Coordinator
Gardens & Maintenance Coordinator
Rod Sims
Parish Priest
Father John Healy
Assisting Officers
Grants Applications Assisting Officer
General Meetings
The P&F holds General Meetings, chaired by the President or Vice-President, who are supported by a Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Coordinator, Social & Pastoral Coordinator and Gardens & Maintenance Coordinator. Each of these Executive Committee Members, and all Ordinary Members, have the opportunity to attend the meetings and report on and/or discuss any pertinent issues.
Please note that all parents and carers at QoP are automatically Ordinary Members of the P&F and your ideas, thoughts and opinions are valued. P&F meetings are a great forum to have an open, honest and considerate discussion between parents, carers and the leadership of the School.
Come along and meet some friends you haven’t met yet! You will also get the chance to have a chat to the Principal and the Executive Committee.
School Interviews is a simple, convenient and secure system for booking appointments for events such 3-Way Conversations or Literacy testing at the start of the school year. This replaces Parent Teacher Online (PTO), previously used by the school.
Student School Reports
School Reports are issued twice a year (at the end of semester 1 and 2). They are available for parents to view and download via the nForma portal. The school will notify parents when they are ready to view.
Families who are new to the school will receive an email from nForma with instructions on how to create an account, when their child’s first school report is available. It is an automated email containing login details and instructions and will come from, not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address. You MUST use a computer or laptop to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device e.g. phone or iPad. If you forget your login, please search your emails using keyword: nForma. If you forget your password you can click ‘Forgotten Password?’ to create a new one.
Orders for Queen of Peace Uniform may be placed online via QuickCliq, or click on ‘Order Online’ button. Enquiries should be directed to For returns or exchanges (within three months) items must be unworn and tag still attached. Copy of receipt also required. Please leave items with school office.
Queen of Peace is a SunSmart school and all children are required to wear school hats (sunglasses are now optional) in term one and four.