“At Queen of Peace, we value our rich religious traditions and culture. We provide opportunities for our children and their families to celebrate our Catholic heritage, in many different sacramental and non-sacramental ways.”

Principal’s Message
Dear Parents,
Queen of Peace Primary School is situated on the traditional lands of the Yalukit-willam of the Bunurong people, a part of the Greater Kulin Nation. For thousands of years, the Yalukit-willam cared for the land, the waters and the skies. Their elders taught their young the stories of the dreaming, danced in celebration and sung with joy. It is this tradition that we hope to carry on at Queen of Peace as we acknowledge the past, live well in the present and plan, with hope, for the future.
Queen of Peace Primary School is a place that aims for excellence – in its learning, in its relationships, in its faith and in its behaviour. The staff of Queen of Peace are committed and compassionate professionals who have, as their moral purpose, the full flourishing of all learners. The community of Queen of Peace is committed to a school that is inclusive, faith filled and strives for excellence in learning and teaching. The students of Queen of Peace are young people who are respectful, responsible, safe and, above all, kind. The parish of Holy Trinity is a community that cares about the education of the children of Altona Meadows.
At Queen of Peace we strive to live out our values of respect, responsibility, safety and kindness. We do this through having:
- A welcoming, friendly atmosphere
- A Gospel based approach to all that we do
- Learning Communities based around a personalised learning environment
- A caring and happy school, where all children are treated with respect
- The chance for children to perform to the best of their ability
Queen of Peace is one of five Catholic Primary Schools in the Holy Trinity Parish. These schools form the Holy Trinity Catholic Education Community (HTCEC). The other Primary schools in the Parish are: St Martin de Porres (Laverton), Lumen Christi (Point Cook), Stella Maris (Point Cook West) and St Mary of the Cross (Point Cook South). As HTCEC, we share resources and educational opportunities which enhance the overall educational experience for children and staff in our schools.
As a Catholic school, our focus is on the faith development of our children and ensuring our Catholic faith and the Gospel values are integrated into the curriculum and teaching of all learning areas. At Queen of Peace we implement a Faith Life Inquiry Approach which brings together the learning we do of our religion and faith with the learning we do of the world. We believe that children learn best when education in faith and life are connected to all learning.
We recognise that parents are the child’s first teacher and it is our aim to work in partnership with parents in the continuing education of the children. Together we can make a huge difference if we are on the same page. There will be many opportunities for us to work in these partnerships and strengthen the bonds of communication as well as involving you in the various learning experiences that will happen here at school.
As a school community, we look forward to joining with you in the educational journey of your child. We value your input and look forward to an open and honest dialogue over the years ahead.
We hope you enjoy your time at Queen of Peace Primary School and feel part of the community.
Rod Sims
Democratic Principles
Vision Statement
Queen of Peace is a learning community that is Christ centered, valuing Our Catholic Faith, The Human Person, Justice and the pursuit of Excellence
We all have talents and capabilities that are nurtured in an environment that respects the dignity and worth of the whole person.
We welcome all people into a peaceful environment that empowers them to become proactive members of our global community.
We respect all people, in an environment that is just and free from discrimination and inequality
We value opportunities for learning and reflection that challenge us to aspire to individual excellence.
Mission Statement
We are committed to:
- providing opportunities for people to explore and ritualise their faith journey within the rich cultural and religious traditions of our community.
- demonstrating collaborative, proactive and compassionate leadership.
- providing an educational experience which develops attitudes and values that support a person through life.
- working in partnership with families, recognising their rights and responsibilities in the education of their children.
- recognising, celebrating and supporting individuals in their pursuit of excellence.
- providing an environment that embraces change and encourages risk taking.
- providing a comprehensive, inclusive and evolving curriculum that empowers students to engage actively in an ever-changing global society.

Queen of Peace school opened in 1982 under the name of Altona Bay Catholic School. The school began with an enrolment of 121 students. The enrolment grew by as many as 30-40 pupils in some years, peaking in 1998 at approximately 650 pupils. In 1987, the Registered Schools Board officially registered the school’s name as “Queen of Peace Parish Primary School”.
The initial building, designed by Mr Paul Archibald, was not ready for occupancy at the beginning of 1982 so classes were held at St Martin de Porres Laverton for the first term. Since the initial stage of building in 1982 there have been a number of additions and minor renovations in 1988, 1998, 2006 and 2010.
From early 1982 to the end of 1992, the Queen of Peace School facilities were used as a Mass Centre. Mass was celebrated in the school itself. In 1987 two rooms were added to be used (mainly) as a Chapel until the Church was built. The first permanent place of worship for the Queen of Peace Catholic Community was constructed in 1992. Designed by Architects Jeff Sneath and Bridget King, the Church is one of the most outstanding and attractive buildings in the area.
In 2007, Queen of Peace celebrated 25 years of Catholic Education in Altona Meadows. An Anniversary Garden which connects the school to the church was constructed to commemorate this important milestone.
In 2016 a Peace Garden was developed in the area between the church and the school hall that was left vacant after the hall was built. This was a combined school and parish initiative and has given the community an outdoor space for prayer and contemplation.
Queen of Peace school is well appointed, well-resourced and able to tackle the challenges of providing a contemporary Catholic Education for the community of Altona Meadows.
School Principals:
Alan Williams
1982 – 1987
Basil Ryan
1988 – 2002
Leon Colla
2003 – June 2013
Anne Price (Acting)
July – December 2013
Anthony Drill
2014 – September 2017
Anne Price (Acting)
September – December 2017
Darren Gibbons
2018 – 2022
Michael Ozbun (Acting)
January – June 2023
Rodney Sims
July 2023 –
Queen of Peace Primary School is located in Altona Meadows; a suburb in the west of Melbourne and is one of five Catholic schools, within the Holy Trinity Catholic Parish. The parish church is on site and is a visible focal point to all children and families. It provides a shared space for worship and the school is well supported and encouraged by the parish and assistant priests.
The schools in the parish work collaboratively to ensure the best possible models for Catholic education are provided for students. The principals of the five schools and the parish priest comprise the Laverton Catholic Education Community (LCEC), which meets regularly and has been operating for approximately thirteen years. This group has developed and implemented many shared initiatives including a consistent enrolment process for those who desire that their children attend one of the parish schools.
Queen of Peace Primary School opened in 1982 and in 2017 celebrated 35 years of Catholic education to the Altona Meadows community. In 2017 there were 62 teachers and support staff that cater for the needs of the children across 21 class groupings.
The total number of children enrolled at our February Census was 516. Of the 516 students, 94% were born in Australia. 87% of students are from Catholic or Orthodox families while 6.5% are from other religions. The remaining 6.5% are from families who do not associate with any religion. Queen of Peace has 24 children supported by the Students with Disabilities (SWD) funding. The school has a high English as an Additional Language (EAL) component with 37 different languages spoken at home. Over recent years the population demographic has changed from predominantly European to a greater mix of Asian and African nationalities.
The school is well resourced with eight portable classrooms and a permanent building which houses staff and administration facilities, library, computer room and a range of learning spaces. A separate building is used for music and visual arts and a large hall incorporates the canteen, office space and a multipurpose space with stage.
The school aims to provide curricula, co-curricular and extra curricular initiatives that enable a wide range of learning experiences to improve spiritual, academic, physical, and social and emotional outcomes. The school runs developmentally appropriate P – Year 6 on and off site camp programs including camp days for the Prep – Year 2 children. Classes have Italian, Phys Ed, Art and Music lessons on a rotational basis. Access to and use of a range of digital technologies ensure staff can plan collaboratively and effectively. Students also have access to up to date technologies from Prep to Year 6 to assist with their learning program. Levels of communication have been improved giving students, staff and parents greater and more immediate access to learning.
The Queen of Peace school site covers approximately 2.65 hectares. The school is well resourced with eight portable classrooms and a permanent building which houses staff and administration facilities, resource space (library and computer room) plus a range of learning spaces. A separate building is used for music and visual arts and a large hall incorporates the canteen, office space and a multipurpose space with stage.
The Queen of Peace church is located on the same property as the school.
2019 saw the commencement of a large building project which began with the repurposing of the old administration area to create the new resource space and the refurbishment of the existing 3/4 learning spaces. This project also included extensive external works, services, soft and hard landscaping and the provision of external outdoor learning and play spaces.
The final stage of our 2019 building project was completed in 2020 with the refurbishment of the existing Prep learning spaces and outdoor learning spaces. This completed project involved the construction of a new administration wing and front entry of the school. This development provides a ‘Front of House’, welcoming administration area with adequate space for offices, meetings spaces, first aid, a wellbeing area and a staff room.
The playground is spacious and contains two adventure playgrounds for the children, a large sandpit, Children’s Garden for quiet play, synthetic soccer pitch and an AFL space. There is also a full size synthetic basketball court and a half size court. The area under the sails has tables for children to sit at. In mid 2021 a large, native adventure playground was installed.

Staff & Class Groups
The school is staffed by a highly dedicated group of people who strive to generate a strong sense of community and to provide quality catholic education for all the students.
Leaders / Coordinators
Principal | Rodney Sims | principal@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Deputy Principal & Mental Health in Primary Schools Leader | Erin Jenkins | ejenkins@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Deputy Principal & Learning Diversity (3 – 6) Leader | Josie Kirby | jkirby@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Director of Learning & Teaching | Joanne Pearce | jpearce@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Diversity (F – 2) Leader | Andrea Moscato | amoscato@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Leader (F – 2) | Nicole Woodward | nwoodward@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Leader (3 – 6) | Joel Magnabosco | jmagnabosco@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Religious Education Leader | Kerry Brown | kbrown@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Wellbeing Leader | Hannah Luja | hluja@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Classroom Teachers
Foundation A Teacher | Lisa Vella | lvella@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Foundation B Teacher |
Annette Gauci & Beth Farmer |
agauci@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au bfarmer@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Foundation C Teacher | Kaitlyn Galea |
kgalea@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 1A Teacher | Nancy Shiell & Loren Jubb |
nshiell@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au ljubb@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 1B Teacher | Gina Camilleri & Alison Kertsch |
gcamilleri@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au akertsch@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 1C Teacher | Chloe Meffan | cmeffan@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 1C Teacher | Laura Taylor | ltaylor@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 2A Teacher | Dubravka Zahtila | dzahtila@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 2B Teacher | Cherie Bitar & Laura Taylor |
cbitar@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au ltaylor@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 2C Teacher | Gayle Fava | gfava@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 3A Teacher | Melissa Merheb & Kristin Karaventzas |
mmerheb@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au kkaraventzas@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 3B Teacher | Joshua Aquilina | jaquilina@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 3C Teacher | Karen Currie | kcurrie@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 4A Teacher | Kerry Brown & Susie Thomson |
kbrown@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au sthomson@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 4B Teacher | Jackson Menadue | jmenadue@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 4C Teacher | Michelle Muliett & Jessica Mangani |
mmuliett@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au Jmangani@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 5A Teacher | Hannah Ferres | hferres@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 5B Teacher | Laura Granato | lgranato@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 5C Teacher | Luke Moore | lmoore@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 6A Teacher | Hayden Wilson | hwilson@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 6B Teacher | Tina Krstevski | tkrstevski@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Year 6C Teacher | Peter Carlisle & Carmela Vezzoso |
pcarlisle@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au cvezzoso@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Specialist Teachers
Phys Ed | Jack Stephen | jstephen@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Music (3-6) | Catherine Hills | chills@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Performing Arts (P-2) | Sally Jamieson | sjamieson@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Library | Rosa Favata | rfavata@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Art | Stephanie Streets | sstreets@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Literacy Support | Karen Seychell | kseychell@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Literacy Support | Natasha Manger | nmanger@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Literacy Support | Jenny Sare | jsare@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Foundation Support | Maree Bracken | mbracken@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officers
Learning Support Officer | Ruth Bonnici | rbonnici@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Pauline Cassar | pcassar@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Kerryn Quarrier | kquarrier@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Kristen Doell | kdoell@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Jo Paterson | jpaterson@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Debbie Langham | dlangham@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Frances Galea | fgalea@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Marisa Cogliandro | mcogliandro@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Belinda Massarany | bmassarany@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Elena Franze | efranze@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Keisha Quarrier | kquarrier@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Joe Johnson | jjohnson@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Mimma Esposito | desposito@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Carolina Perri | cperri@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Alean Alrousan | aalrousan@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Learning Support Officer | Connie Buhagiar | cbuhagiar@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Business Manager | ||
Bursar | Cathy Tutton | ctutton@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Bursar & Accounts | Sheralyn Chapman | schapman@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Administration | Samantha St Leon | sstleon@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Administration & Uniform Shop | Leanne MacGibbon | lmacgibbon@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
First Aid Officer | Patricia Donaldson | pdonaldson@qopaltonameadows.catholic.edu.au |
Parish Information
The Holy Trinity Catholic Parish is a vibrant and growing community that from humble beginnings in 1968 with a church and school set up in Laverton, has now grown into a Parish with three mass centres, five primary schools and a co-ed secondary college.